Rūta Vitkauskaitė

Aronia Overture

‘Aronia Overture’ is a trans-disciplinary collaboration between composer Rūta Vitkauskaitė artists-researcher Bartaku and electronic instrument-maker Karl Heinz-Jeron. A project which aims to express the essence of the Aronia Melanocarpa berry through the medium of music, with the process being a complex and collective synaesthetic experience.


The Aronia Melanocarpa was once popularly planted across the Soviet Union, but has since been abandoned, with old plantations now in a state of neglect. However, the artists see the berry’s potential for global recognition as a premium power plant for both the body and the electricity generation.


The berry and its qualities – visual, chemical structure, scientific observations, and history – became the inspirations for their unfolding collaboration. Since one of its chemical structures (an acid) is a very effective conductor of electricity it became the basis for Karl’s electronic music instrument ‘The Octopus Machine’. The berry’s taste and astringency (throat shrinking) qualities were the inspiration for Rūta’s work ‘The Aronia Unchoir’ – the shrinking throat choir, where choir members are asked to embody non-human qualities, and explore their throats through a specially designed workshop.


The artists experimented with various sonic expressions of the berry, both real and imaginary, including singing with the effects of drinking Aronia juice, producing sounds in low and high registers with a sore throat, and sounding while wrapped in a damp plastic bag to emulate the experience of being inside the berry. While some of these experiments did not project well in a concert setting, the audience was invited to watch the artists go through the process of discovering the “Aronia sound”, to perceive with greater accuracy.


‘The Dripping Aronia Machine’, later renamed ‘The Octopus Machine’, was created by Karl Heinz Jeron. It utilizes both contact and non-contact methods to measure the electric fields and internal processes of plants. ‘The Octopus Machine’ produces an orchestrated, aleatoric audio piece based on a number of unspecified processes within the berries. The installation is enhanced with a keyboard/sensor (similar to a theremin) that can be played by a musician. The idea was to have two layers: one for playing tuned tones and another one for generating random tones. The random tone layer can either be applied to the tuned tone layer manually, based on a musical score, or played autonomously.

The sound, colour, and volume of the output are varied based on the internal electro-chemical state of the Aronia berries, resulting in an improvised piece of music created from the electronic components connected to the berries. The ultimate goal was to increase the possibilities for articulating variations in noise and develop the musical-acoustic qualities of plants for a concert performance.

Unchoir (2014)

Rūta Vitkauskaitė developed the idea of using a choir, then named ‘Unchoir’ to express the sound of the Aronia berry via a workshop environment. Participants were invited to explore their throats as tool of expression for their unique voice and to discover their own personal “Aronia song”. The workshop was based on Venn diagrams (drawn by Bartaku) and also included Aronia companion plants as gentle rhythmic accompaniment using water-filled metal bowls. Rūta led the choir through her creative process as a composer, sharing her inspirations and associations to guide the participants along their own natural creative journey.


The final composition, which was created without a score, always had the same structure, but the sounds produced were unique to each new group of people. The ‘Unchoir’ workshop was a powerful tool to communicate the idealized ideas about the “singing” berry and to explore the individuality of the musical experience.


It was first performed and recorded at SERDE Residency (Aizpute, 2014), then Riga Capital of Culture 2015 (Riga, 2014) and Q-O2 Winter Fest (Brussels, 2014) as part of Aronia Overture, and later integrated into Rūta’s workshop series at Operomanija Summer Camp, and Composers Plus Course.


Duration: workshop duration 3 hours, composition duration 11 minutes

Format: workshop and music performance

Performers: 11 participants and workshop leader

Aronia Overture (2014)

‘Aronia M. Overture: The Essence of the Aronia Berry in 11 movements’ is a multi-sensory performance expressing the essence of the Aronia Melanocarpa (Chokeberry) in relation to its environment: an abandoned state-run plantation on the edge of a shrinking town.

One of the key elements of the performance is the ‘Unchoir’, a constellation of berry sounds produced by humans. This is achieved through the use of an ‘Octopus Machine’, Theremin, and amplified ‘Unchoir’ voices at the centre of the performance space, enhanced by projections of stills and videos displayed against the wall, as the choir is seated with their faces covered by metal bowls.


‘Aronia Overture’ was performed by the creators’ team (Rūta Vitkauskaitė, Karl-Heinz Jeron and Bartaku) and ‘Unchoir’ members at the SERDE Residency in Aizpute, Latvia (August, 2014) and later at the Riga-Capital of Culture 2015 and Q-O2 Winter Fest in Brussels (December, 2014).


Duration: 33 min.

Format: concert for spatially placed audience

Performers: 11 workshop participants and a musician