Rūta Vitkauskaitė

Azykhantropean Tunes (2019)




Open score for voices (min 6 people)

Programme Note

In Azykhantropean Tunes, I map the tapping rhythms of stones, the sound of pouring water, the movement of hands striking a match and quietly hummed tunes onto an algorithmic score, while Steve Potter’s Council System takes singers through a process of selection and election. Weaving through all the performances, small choreographies by Nissa Nishikawa materialise gestures that shape the choir’s body and its sense of movement. The concert also sees a screening of Sam Belinfante’s ‘To the Tintinnabulation that so Musically Wells’ (2018) and the UK première of a new, thirty-metre-long multi-track tape score by Taiwanese artist and composer Lin Chiwei, reeled through the hands of six singers.