Rūta Vitkauskaitė

Logokalyps (2015)

‘Logokalyps’ is a collaboration between Rūta Vitkauskaitė and the Äsping duet, that delves deep into the exploration of language and the human predisposition for meaning-making. It questions what happens when we move away from our “logocentric consensus”. It explores new ways of looking at the world through the dissolution of language. ‘Logokalyps’ is a sound art performance where vocals, the violin, and a sound art machine coexist and create a musical and artistic whole.


The libretto features a wide range of characters: two angels, Michelle Watson and Lisa Dunbar, who committed a school shooting, Steve, a womanizer who seduces girls; Adam Johnson, a bus driver unfulfilled and frustrated with his life; Isabella Hollis, a writer and supporter of the Albany Indians. All ghosts from past eras and people still alive must be cleared from this planet on the day of the Apocalypse.


Funded by Göteborgs Stads Kulturnämnd and Konstnärsnämnden.


Duration: 12’49”

Format: concert (live music with electronics) and video projection

Performers: 3 (soprano, violin, electronics)